Read Recommendations about Books in
Abbotts Hill's Collection!
Looking for books similar to Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dork Diaries, or Harry Potter?
Would you like recommendations for books about kids who are "different", reaching out to others or fitting in? Want to read a fiction book about immigrants or refugees?
Do you want recommendations for fiction chapter books that are similar to fairy tales or folk tales?
CLICK HERE for a Padlet filled with titles and Book Talks!
Would you like recommendations for books about kids who are "different", reaching out to others or fitting in? Want to read a fiction book about immigrants or refugees?
Do you want recommendations for fiction chapter books that are similar to fairy tales or folk tales?
CLICK HERE for a Padlet filled with titles and Book Talks!
Click HERE to read book recommendations from
Mrs. Dickinson!
Mrs. Dickinson!