Teacher Toolbox!
Good Habits Great Readers- Click for a sortable table by grade level, skill, and reading level!
Getting excited about Office 365? You will be once you see how incredibly easy and useful its tools are!
Check out these quick tutorials about OneNote and more from Microsoft to help you get started!
Check out these quick tutorials about OneNote and more from Microsoft to help you get started!
The FOUR Cs of 21st Century Learning: Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking...watch this short video to see them all in action!
Here are some VERY worthwhile sites which recommend picture books to teach various reading skills. Check them out!
Northern Kentucky University
Reading Mentor Texts
Teaching Skills with Children's Literature
Reading A to Z even has a chart with hyperlinked e-books that focus on various skills- you can find it HERE!
Northern Kentucky University
Reading Mentor Texts
Teaching Skills with Children's Literature
Reading A to Z even has a chart with hyperlinked e-books that focus on various skills- you can find it HERE!
For a handy chart that depicts reading levels based upon Lexile, DRA, etc., click here!
To look up the Lexile level of almost any book, click here and type the title in the search box! Georgia Tech has compiled amazing resources to teach mathematics- and they are aligned with the GPS! Click here to explore CSI Mathematics!
Visit TeachThought for inspiration and to explore Project Based Learning ideas that are integrated with technology!
To see exemplar texts for ELA and Literacy in science and social studies standards, click here.
We have MANY of the referenced texts in our Media Center! To determine the readability of any text, type a sample paragraph on this site! Repeat with a different paragraph and average the two Fleisch-Kincaid Index scores!
Visit SimpleK12 and watch their interesting and informative recorded lessons and webcasts about integrating technology with your lessons. Many are FREE, so no need to pay for a subscription! Click here to access the site! Interested in finding out more about students' learning differences and struggles? Check out this PBS resource by clicking here!
If you've never watched a TED Talk, here's your chance to connect to some world renowned and inspirational speakers from the comfort of wherever you might be! Click this link to connect to lots of engaging education themed presentations!
For tutorials about Safari Montage, click here!
Download a FREE Copy of A Guide for Engaging Students with Technology from ISTE. Click here and then click on "download a digital copy for free"!
Need to translate something? Click here!